Contact Me

It's a me, Olivier!
Hello world! My name is Olivier Demers , and I am an aspiring digital artist experienced in 2D, 3D, and traditional art. I am seeking work in the video game field, comic book, logo design, illustration, concept, and any area if my skill set meets the requirement. My method is simply to create work that fits the desired purpose and art style.

I was lead artist for Fists of Destiny for the game Rathe: the Beginning, as well as another project for the same company called Gumball Breakers.
I have experience in the following programs:
Adobe CS5 Suite
Autodesk 3Ds Max
Autodesk Mudbox
Autodesk Maya (Learning)
UDK (Unreal Development Kit)
MS Office Suite
​I also have experience in traditional drawing, painting, and sculpting.
When I was at an early age, I picked up the pencil and starting drawing. Over the years I have become more serious about my passion, and I am therefore seeking the opportunity to showcase my skill and learn more as I go along. My goal is a simple one: to become better each day, and make art that I am proud of, whether it is a illustration for a cover art, a concept art for a non-important character, or even just a rough sketch for a logo that will never be used. As long as it looks good and it impresses those around me, it's all good by me, baby!
I also have my work on sale (for t-shirts, iphone cases, etc.) on Redbubble and Society 6. The link you'll see to the left.
"Trust me, I'm a professional!"